The Most Common Distractions in Teen Driving

Teen drivers top the list as the number one danger on the road. But you can’t blame them entirely. The human brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25. Add in the fact that most teenagers feel invulnerable and tend to turn concerned adult lectures into the warbling Charlie Brown’s teacher used to do, … Continue reading

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8 of the Best Anti-Texting Apps

Driving is dangerous enough without the added distractions that social technology provides. While most texting related accident reports involve teenagers, 58 percent of adults over the age of 25 admitted to regularly talking or texting while driving their vehicle. Statistics reflect that texting while driving causes the driver 23 times more likely to crash, and … Continue reading

Keep Your Eyes on The Road, Distracted Driving Dangers

More teenagers die in auto accidents than from anything else and, over the past few years, distracted driving has topped the list for vehicle-related fatalities and injuries. Your Mt. Clemons auto accident attorney can tell you that less than 60 percent of parents realize what a serious issue this is to their children’s safety. Unfortunately, … Continue reading

The Top 5 Things a Parent Can Do To Help Their Teen Drivers Make it to Adulthood

The ability to drive is one of the top highlights of teen life, and yet auto accidents involving a teen driver top the annual adolescent fatality charts. Why is this? Your Michigan personal injury attorney might point fingers at who’s to blame… you. That’s right. Parental influence is the primary cause for risky teenage driving. … Continue reading