Keep Your Eyes on The Road, Distracted Driving Dangers

More teenagers die in auto accidents than from anything else and, over the past few years, distracted driving has topped the list for vehicle-related fatalities and injuries. Your Mt. Clemons auto accident attorney can tell you that less than 60 percent of parents realize what a serious issue this is to their children’s safety. Unfortunately, parental focus is often on media-covered events such as kidnappings, stranger concerns, school shootings, drugs, and terrorists. While those subjects certainly deserve a degree of attention, they keep the primary killer – your kid’s cell phone – in the shadows.

Recently, car companies have developed reminders for current and potential customers of just how dangerous distracted driving can be. While some of these reminders are subtle and intended to pull on your heart strings, one company took a different approach. Volkswagen published its controversial distracted driving PSA in Hong Kong theaters, and the world was abuzz with a wide range of reactions.

As movie goers filled a popular Hong Kong theater, a hidden computer technician used a location-based system to enable a mass text message to be sent to each movie goer’s cell phone during a specific part of the Volkswagen PSA.

Lights dimmed and the crowd settled. A faceless driver began his destination on the movie screen so that each viewer saw the action from the driver’s point of view. Cameras focused on the patrons as they reacted to the images of a typical drive. Just short of a minute into the ride, all active cell phones in the movie theater chimed with a text notification. Most of the patrons looked down to see the message that important enough to distract them from what was happening on the big screen, and that’s all it took. Within seconds, the car steered into a tree and smashed the windshield. The only audible sounds were the gasps of the audience as they realized the connection. As the broken windshield faded into a white screen, a message appeared: Mobile use is now the leading cause of death behind the wheel. A reminder to keep your eyes on the road.

The point of this PSA was simple: it only takes a few seconds of distraction to cause a disaster. No text or message is important enough to take your eyes off of the road. If you can’t resist the temptation to take a peek at that notification on your phone, then turn it off before you start your car. It may be a hassle for your friends to wait an extra few minutes for your reply, but at least you’ll be alive to continue the conversation.


Involved in a distracted driving incident? Do nothing until you’ve talked to an attorney. Contact Femminineo Attorneys today.


Femminineo Attorneys PLLC: David Femminineo
110 S Main St #100
Mt Clemens, MI 48043
United States
(586) 954-9501

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