Keep Your Eyes on The Road, Distracted Driving Dangers

More teenagers die in auto accidents than from anything else and, over the past few years, distracted driving has topped the list for vehicle-related fatalities and injuries. Your Mt. Clemons auto accident attorney can tell you that less than 60 percent of parents realize what a serious issue this is to their children’s safety. Unfortunately, … Continue reading

Are Sleep-Deprived Parents More Likely to Cause Auto Accidents?

The National Sleep Foundation conducted a poll in 2005 known as the “Sleep in America” poll, which noted that at least 60% of adult drivers – which is about 168 million – admit they have been behind the wheel while feeling drowsy within the past year. Additionally, more than a third of these people have … Continue reading

Stay Safe on Michigan Roads on St. Patty’s Day

In the United States, St. Patrick’s Day is often celebrated with plenty of alcohol. This unique holiday brings a wealth of entertaining traditions: eating cabbage and corned beef, wearing green and of course drinking at least one glass of Irish beer or whiskey. This celebration represents an amazing opportunity to spend some quality time with … Continue reading

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