Michigan Pigskin: Does Football Season Lead To More Car Accidents?

Fall means Michigan football, but a variety of factors may mean more danger to football fans and anyone else on the road during NFL game day in Michigan or anywhere else in U.S. It’s crucial to pay close attention to the road to avoid auto accidents, especially during football season. Does Football Season Lead To … Continue reading

Leading Cause of Michigan Auto Accidents: Texting While Driving

The state of Michigan recently established new laws that prohibit people from texting while driving. A person who engages in this will be fined $100 for that person’s first offense and then $200 for each offense after that first one. This goes for not only writing and sending messages but also for reading them while … Continue reading

Michigan Auto Accidents: Smartphones Lead to Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can refer to indulgence in any activity that can divide your attention and take your focus off the road. In today’s smartphone-savvy world, the incidents of distracted driving can largely be attributed to texting, web surfing, or using smartphones for navigation. The addiction to smartphone usage is so high that people feel completely … Continue reading

4 Ways to Prevent Michigan Auto Accidents on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a very crowded time of year on highways, especially for drivers who are traveling long distances just to be with their family. According to the National Safety Commission, Thanksgiving weekend is the most crowded period of the year and also the most traveled. Over 90 percent of U.S. citizens prefer to travel by … Continue reading

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