How to Keep Your Teens Safe from Peer Pressure during Prom Season

If you think back to your teenage years, chances are your behavior and experiences were quite different than those of your kids, but many similarities remain. Dances are still popular activities for teens, and prom stands out as a popular rite of passage. But for teen drivers, prom season not only provides a social remedy… … Continue reading

Testing Simulators Can Reduce Distracted Driving Incidents

Since the early days of driver education courses, screen-based simulation tactics have been used. If you ask your parents or grandparents, they may reminisce about a time when they sat at a special one-person desk that was hooked to a media device in a darkened classroom. A driver appeared on the screen and started his … Continue reading

Drunk Driving vs. Distracted Driving

Auto accidents can happen at any time, in any place, and during any weather condition. You can implement all safety protocols, drive defensively, and still wind up involved in a fender bender or worse. Adding alcohol or unnecessary distractions to the mix is a one-way ticket to the emergency room. Quite often, those who chance … Continue reading

How to Monitor Your Teen’s Driving Habits

Driving is one of the biggest joys in a young person’s life. That slip of paper stating they’re legally able to drive with a licensed driver present is often the most thrilling moment in adolescence. By the time they get their permanent driver’s license in Michigan, they have all the knowledge and experience they need … Continue reading

How Celebrity Obsession Can Kill Your Kids on the Road

Celebrity obsession is nothing new. These perfectly star-spun golden beings seem to have their own gravitational pull which makes us tune in, hang on their every word, and even attempt to emulate their actions. It’s easy to forget that they’re flesh and blood. But turn on any TV, radio, or computer and the world sees … Continue reading

How to Keep Your Teen Driver Safe Behind the Wheel

As the school year slowly progresses through its first quarter, many teenagers may begin to experience their lifelong dreams as licensed drivers. At the same time, many parents begin living their worst nightmares. Auto accidents are especially common for inexperienced drivers, but with the proper training and defensive driving techniques, everyone can survive the remaining … Continue reading

The 6 Biggest Dangers to Teen Drivers

Teen driving can be a mixed blessing for many families. It’s a dream for practically every teenager to taste the freedom associated with driving their own car or a family vehicle. Parents or guardians may also appreciate the extra help with errands and reduction of demands placed upon their own schedules. But that same blessing … Continue reading

Apps That May Curb Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving is such a serious concern that driving apps are available for anyone with access to a smart phone. Not only do the apps help us monitor our own driving habits, but they help parents ensure their teen drivers are following the proper road rules. But are they enough? If you’ve given any attention … Continue reading

The Most Common Distractions in Teen Driving

Teen drivers top the list as the number one danger on the road. But you can’t blame them entirely. The human brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25. Add in the fact that most teenagers feel invulnerable and tend to turn concerned adult lectures into the warbling Charlie Brown’s teacher used to do, … Continue reading

8 of the Best Anti-Texting Apps

Driving is dangerous enough without the added distractions that social technology provides. While most texting related accident reports involve teenagers, 58 percent of adults over the age of 25 admitted to regularly talking or texting while driving their vehicle. Statistics reflect that texting while driving causes the driver 23 times more likely to crash, and … Continue reading