A child safety car seat is a special, drop-in car seat designed to give children a seat in the car that’s customized to their smaller bodies. Very small children and infants ride in rear-facing seats, which provide support to weak necks in the event of a sudden deceleration or collision. Once children are over 1 … Continue reading

4 Ways to Prevent Michigan Auto Accidents on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a very crowded time of year on highways, especially for drivers who are traveling long distances just to be with their family. According to the National Safety Commission, Thanksgiving weekend is the most crowded period of the year and also the most traveled. Over 90 percent of U.S. citizens prefer to travel by … Continue reading

Night Out in Michigan: Choose Your Designated Driver Carefully

Whether it’s a quiet night out with some friends or a massive birthday celebration, whenever your plans involve alcohol, high up on your list of priorities should be road safety. In the U.S., the number of road fatalities involving alcohol accounts for 41 percent of all road fatalities; it’s a shocking statistic. With this in … Continue reading

Causes of Driving Distractions in Michigan Auto Accidents

It’s easy to get distracted while driving. You can shift your attention from the wheel for what seems like a few harmless seconds, but those seconds could wreck it all for you and other Michigan drivers. The U.S. Department of Transportation states that in 2011, more than 3,000 people were killed countrywide as a result … Continue reading

Michigan Auto Accidents Caused By Distracted Commuters

So much of life is routine. Alarm clock, toothbrush, shower, and then drive to work. Many of us simply go through the motions every day, at least until we get to the office. And while distracted showering is harmless, distracted driving is the leading factor in most crashes and near-crashes, according to the Michigan State … Continue reading

Texting While Driving in Michigan: More Dangerous than DUI?

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the habit of using our cellphones to communicate while driving has become an ever increasing threat to our security. With the rise of smartphones, we have at our disposal several ways of communication, and it’s very easy to underestimate the danger they represent in combination with driving; after … Continue reading

Modern Car Safety Features That Help Prevent Michigan Auto Accidents

The modern automobile contains safety features that would not have been dreamed of even 40 years ago. If you look back to the 1960s and 1970s things that we take for granted today like seat belts, anti-lock braking systems and air bags were hardly ever seen. Indeed when seat belts were first installed in cars … Continue reading

Why Your Child Car Safety Seat May Not Be Safe on Michigan Roads

Buying and fitting a safety seat for a child is fraught with hidden dangers. On the face of it, it would seem that as long as you purchase a good brand and fit it according to the manufacturers’ instructions all should be well. Not so, says UK product review and testing company Which? According to … Continue reading

5 Reasons Michigan Teen Drivers Are Prone to Auto Accidents

The Michigan roadways are an obstacle course for inexperienced teen drivers. It is estimated, by the Michigan state police, that vehicle accidents are the number one cause of death’s in adolescents. Even the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety finds that fatal accidents involving teen drivers outnumber fatal accidents involving adult drivers by four times. The … Continue reading

The Texting and Driving Habit Isn’t Getting Better

A recent study conducted by a branch of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that texting-and-driving has not dipped since 2010. In fact, it seems like some bad habits – such as young drivers using cell phones while behind the wheel – are actually on the rise. Bad Driving Behavior   In 2011, … Continue reading